Monday, February 18, 2013


This is an enticing title isn't it?  I'm sure you're all just dying to know what I could possibly have to say about manure.  

Keep reading.

We all have crap in our lives, sometimes literally for those of us with children in diapers, and others have figurative crap.  For example: Fiscal cliffs, health scares, unruly children, loss of loved ones, and in my case, clinical insanity after giving birth.  

First, lets discuss literal manure.  What is it used for?  Fertilizing fields of crops that grow food.  I don't want to get too scientific or gross, but there are all types of different animal manure that is used to provide different nutrients to help plants grow.  And there IS growth!  

Thus, there is all different types of manure (crap) that comes our way.  Oddly enough, if we pair the nastiness with a little bit of sunshine, rain showers, and some TLC, we too WILL grow!  

Fabulous isn't it?  Be grateful for the large amounts of manure in your life that is allowing you to grow and flourish.  

Also I would like to add as an end note, my grandpa was a farmer his whole life and had to deal with manure every day of his life, and he is one of the best people I have ever known!

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