Saturday, January 5, 2013

Follow Through

As one who has frequented the office of many a therapist, I have yet to discover why I seem to sabotage myself at following through on things I start.  I'm sure I had intentions to ask about it but never got around to it.  Curious.

I have a history of starting books and then not finishing them.  I'll get to the last 5 pages sometimes and I just don't really care how the story ends.  Maybe they were all dumb books and I'm not to only one to give up on them, but I'm pretty sure I just need to wake Freud from the dead and have a long talk with him.  

My husband still gets on my case about an afghan I started to croquet years ago and then didn't even make it big enough to keep a squirrel warm.  Maybe a dwarf hamster though?

Regardless, I know I'm not the only one who gives up on projects I start.  What may seem like a good idea at the time somehow becomes low on the priority list along with dusting the baseboards on the wall.  (I should really do that one day soon.)

When we started this blog, we knew we couldn't just start it and then leave it to rot.  We had to follow through with our plan.  Posting a blog every few days while running a household seems daunting, but it's a labor of love.  Everything we post will come right from the old pumper, in hopes that someone seeking a little comfort will find it here.  Each of us has suffered, and each of us has searched for answers to prayers and found them in unlikely places.  Maybe this will be one persons unlikely place.

With love,

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