Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why do i have my greatest ideas at 1 am??

Seems like I can't long as I can remember I can't EVER! Except that I didn't know that wasn't normal until I got divorced. You see up until that point at the ripe old age of 24 I thought it was called a night owl. Awake at night big Jerk in the mornings. Well one day I got a kidney infection, and the Doctor game codine. That first night I slept the whole night through. I woke up and thought "whomever invented a whole nights sleep was genious", but then it hit me. Had people been sleeping the whole night through all along?? Was this just a "ME" thing? Was it normal to be tired pretty much all the time?
The answer is "NO" its not normal, but even worse is it runs in my family like heart disease, and ugliness. Sleeplessness had been passed down from generation to generation, and not one person thought I should know about it. So ever since "said codine induced sleep" I have had to take some sort of sleep aid, and something to chill my brain tornado ever since. I haave tried everything in the light, white noise, writing down concerns, reading...blah blah! Mostly those things make me made, some have helped. The only positive thing I have received is the ability to brainstorm and be creative...also I'm freaking hilarious.
So last night as I lay in bed checking craigslist at 1 am...I decided something...its creative and I think others will like it. I can't reveal it quite yet as I need to talk to my bidness partner, but keep reading this blog. I will reveal it soon!


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