Monday, January 21, 2013


Raise your hand if you've ever been audited by the IRS...well you can't see me, but I arm is in the air. Exactly one year ago a received a letter only equal to a divore decree. I received a letter telling me that we were chosen to be audited by the IRS. More instructions would follow, but I. Was floored surely they had made a mistake?? I also read that this was a full audit and that I would need to gather a list of over 100 items, that an auditor would come to my home and sit there pouring over our personal, and buisness paperwork and to call Mr.Wong to set up our audit. My mind was reeling what do I do now?? 1.Don't panic..seriously! Its doubt I will explain why. 2.cry your auditor right away to set a time to meet. Remember don't get mad at them..its their job. Express your concern, and they really are human and should walk you through this. 4.Get a great accountant if you don't have one already. Our accountant is the bomb and actually used to work for the IRS. Call me for his name. 5.get your shizzz together. They will give you a not get more than they are asking for. 6.organize...organize..organize(it makes the auditor happy) 7.cry again this is super overwhelming After I got over the initial shock I got to work and I mean WORK! Day in and day out I thought about taxes/writeoffs/W2's/credits/itemized deductions. Etc..I studied everything I could and learned a lot about my rights and what we can do. Our accountant walked us through a mock audit. This all happened within a few weeks. I have to stress to everyone that this gets CRAZZYYYYYYYYY! This is the first of a few entries. Please leave me questions, or comments and I will answer them. How to survive the AUDIT??? Ill tell you how. "M"

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